Sunday, November 15, 2015

NFL Sunday!

I feel badly because a lot of folks have been asking about when my next book is coming out. I do not know! As soon as it does, I will let you know. No, I haven't given up on writing, even though I have suffered some discouragement. I have so many stories in my head, I can't help but put them down on paper!

As you know (or can figure out), sports are a big deal with me. Every time my NFL team plays, we go to a sports bar to watch. Since moving to Texas, we've found one that we like and patronize. However, over the six years we've been here, opposing team fans have not been very unsportsmanlike. Our team rivals, even thought we're not playing against each other, are really rude. Our rivals have adopted this place as theirs, making it very uncomfortable to visit. We've been crowded out to only one table and television (which has no sound) as their numbers have grown. Even the waitress staff have reduced us to second place. Apparently, our money is the wrong shade of green....

Today, we are trying a new bar. It's really a restaurant where people go for lunch after church, so you have to watch your language and not curse at a bad call. But, I think it's better then the treatment we have been receiving....

My prayers are sent to Paris...

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