Saturday, September 17, 2016

Life Experiences

I hope everyone had a great week!

I had to take time out from my writing this week since my sister and husband, whom I haven't seen in seven years, came out to visit me in Texas! They came on Monday and left on Thursday.

I don't know if I told you, but in late August, my clothes dryer died. It was only seven years old. The matching washer is still going and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. (Remember? I said I had a sequel to When the Runway Went South?)

Come Labor Day, my dishwasher  of seven years, died. My husband kindly went online and researched new dishwashers. He found the best price at The Nebraska Furniture Store, owned by Warren Buffet, located The Colony, TX. Well, they were closed on Labor Day.

Knowing my company was coming in, we scheduled ONLINE for a delivery date of 9/13/2016. My sister agreed to us going out to dinner so I wouldn't have to do dishes, because the new machine would come Tuesday. (She is on a special diet and has lost 83 pounds and avoids restaurants!)

Come Tuesday morning, the delivery team calls me to say they are on their way with the new appliance. When they arrive, they cheerfully tell me, I never registered an installation, so therefore they couldn't do it and were not authorized to haul away the old dishwasher even though the instructions on the ONLINE order requests they do so. What?

I'm on the phone with Customer Service and was told rather than order online with them, I need to go to the store and see a sales person to ensure an installation for future orders. (Which there won't be!). I said why would I order an appliance without an installation and why didn't the ONLINE process catch something like that? She told me they were too busy to check each and every order that came in. The earliest date they could have someone install it would be 9/16. I told her that was unacceptable and asked to speak to her manager.

The manager gets on the line and apologizes for the mix up. She told me to look on the NFM Website and in fine print it does say, when ordering on a holiday, please follow up the following day to have your appliance installed. Missed that. Didn't have to do that with Home Depot or Lowes....

I told her I would never buy from them again. Then I got a robo phone call from NFM asking me to take a brief survey about the delivery team. Yes, they were very nice but they didn't do what I wanted. Then, I got another call saying that my appliance would be delivered on 9/13 between 9 am - 11 am. My first thought was that the manager was able to pull some strings and get an installer out because the order number was different from the ONLINE order. I'm feeling proud of myself until noon and nothing has happened.

I called them back and was told no, my installation date was still set for 9/16. I told the lady I had a house filled with out of town guests and really needed the dishwasher. She offered to put me on a stand by, if there were any cancellations, I would be top priority.

Tuesday night's dinner was a disaster with me cooking and my brother in law cooking, we must have used five pots and pans. For us to do those dishes took us about an hour and a half. When I woke up on Wednesday, my sister said they would take us out to dinner for their last night there because they didn't want me doing dishes.

During the day, I did get a call from NFM they would install the dishwasher between the hours of twelve and two on Thursday. Great. My sister's flight was at 9 in the morning, so I had to take them to the airport and wait for the installation team. The team was very nice and apologetic, but still. Nebraska Furniture Mart lost my business.

I guess the powers-to-be want me to write that sequel!!!

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