Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Aftermath

The election is over. I'm moving on with my life.

Things are still happening here. My daughter got a seasonal job with Kohl's while she waits for her full time job to open in January. Yup! She's in for learning experience with Black Friday and the Christmas season.

I had to borrow her car for an errand and OMG! The brakes are squeaking and when you step on the brakes, the car thumps to a stop. Why didn't she say anything???? Took it in and $777.77 later, it's fixed. New front brakes, two new tires, an alignment and a three year warranty on the tires and the alignment. Ouch!

I've been so busy putting out fires, I haven't had time to work on my next book which is about the NHRA. My characters are mad at me, because they've been talking but I'm not really listening. So, what I did yesterday was this. When my daughter's car was finished. I drove it to her work and I walked home. 4.7 miles! It calmed me down and I concentrated on the story. When I got home, I wrote it down and come Monday, it's back to work!

Wishing everyone a great week!

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