Saturday, September 23, 2017

Disciplining My Imagination As It Run Wild

It's been a busy week. I finished editing Breakout Heat and it's now in the hands of my mentor.

I started my next book for the Billionaire's Club and it's so exciting to be writing! The most frustrating part is when your characters stop talking to you. I had all afternoon free to write and Alex would not speak to me, so I turned it over to Valeria who does have a lot to say!

The weather here has been warmer than usual but I don't mind. I get to swim in my pool longer than I've ever had in the eight years I've lived here.

But good things come to an end, as they say. Cool/normal weather will return by the end of the week.  That will give me more time to stay indoors and write. And edit.

I had another person approach me to ask why I don't write stories about the Bible. I don't think I'm qualified. I venture into many areas but that's not one of them. Sorry!

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